Didn’t Work Last Time…

So, apparently my last post was eaten by the ether… I swear I posted last week! Ah well. Such things happen.

As a summation of the most important things last week:
I turned older, birthday party was a lot of fun, taxes are important but suck when you can’t afford them, and work is stressful.

There! All caught up!

I read a great article about how Young Adult fiction is becoming too homogenous these days… everything is “Vampires This” and “Magical Boy That”, which is unfortunate… there should be variety in all things, after all! I remember as a kid reading some truly horrible books (although I loved them at the time, obviously), including an entire sci-fi series based off of Laser Tag.

Ah, to be young and lacking in taste again!

About Marx

"As soon as I say something clever, I'm going to quote myself here." Marc
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4 Responses to Didn’t Work Last Time…

  1. Andrea says:

    What about your writing? Or lack thereof, if I can make that assumption based on the fact that you failed to mention it in this post? If you’re not writing, what’s holding you back? Might I suggest that’s something you can explore here?

    • Well, I’m still writing, although the whole “paying bills” thing has interrupted the speed at which I usually write… But a minor setback at this point.

      I don’t know if my writing is really aimed at the Young Adult demographic, though… although considering my inclination towards explosions and laser battles, perhaps they are my ideal audience!

      • Andrea says:

        Actually, I meant “what’s new with your writing”, not “isn’t your writing aimed at young adults”. You provided an update of things you’ve done recently, and writing was not mentioned. What is the barrier to carving out time for it? We all pay bills, after all.

      • A fair question. The writing is still progressing, but I’ve reached something of a impasse in regards to the plot.

        Basically, I’m nearing the climax of the story… The heroes have finally met the captain of the ship that’s been hounding them, who turns out to be a very moral naval officer who’s just fighting for what she believes in (freedom, in this case)… somebody who’s not evil, but just on the opposite side of the war.

        And I’m having difficulty writing dialogue between her and the heroes that doesn’t sound clichéd or stilted, while simultaneously outlining the brilliant escape plan that leads the heroes to the final showdown. The framework is there, but the devil is in the details, as they say.

        Anyway, it is coming along. Just not as fast as I would like!

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